Sunday, November 4, 2012

Double Light

Today is Sunday and we went to church, which is our norm.  However, it is also day light savings.  Last night Eman and I were thinking we would skip church and just have a family day.  But, since we actually gained an hour of sleep, we both woke up very rested and wanting to go to church.  I am really thankful we did too.  Our Sr High Pastor taught today about Noah from Genesis 6.  I love the teaching at our church - line by line, verse by verse.

At about verse 16 or something, Matt was talking about the window that Noah built in the boat.  The Greek (or Hebrew, I forget) word used for window also means double light.  As you can imagine, the world was a pretty dark and dreary place during the flood, what with all the rain clouds and water covering everything.  Most likely, the sun was not out shining.  But, the ark was filled with light and also reflected it as well - a light beacon floating on an ocean of water.  It was not filled with natural light, either.  Candles just dont provide enough light to spill out and shine all around.  The boat was filled with supernatural, spiritual light! 

If you remember, there were lots of plagues while Moses tried to free the Israelites from Pharoah in Egypt.  Plague number 9 was a plague of darkness.  It was so dark, that the people could FEEL it.  I have been in that kind of darkness and it is not fun.  But, to make it even worse, the Egyptians could not provide a light to break the darkness.  But, there was light in the Hebrews camp.  Their tents were beacons of light in the darkness.  Again, they were filled with a supernatural Light - protected from the plague.  They were protected from the plagues because they were God's chosen people.

Both of these situations are pictures of Jesus - He is our Light in this dark world!  However, we are capable of becoming a double light.  We, as followers of Christ, are to be so full of the Light that we reflect it back out to be beacons of light in our dark world.  We should be direction signs pointing those in the dark world towards Jesus Christ. 

We are protected, just like the Israelites, because we too are God's chosen people - adopted into the family through the sacrifice of Jesus' and His blood being spilled for us!

The other cool thing I learned today was the meaning for the word pitch.  Once Noah was finished building the ark, he covered the whole thing, inside and out, in pitch.  The word used for pitch is also the same word used for blood.  The ark was covered by pitch and made water tight (i.e. protected from outside forces).  Likewise, when we ask Jesus into our hearts, we are covered in His blood and protected!

I love that even the Old Testament points towards Jesus!  God's Word is so cool!

1 comment:

  1. Amen! Makes me think of that passage when Moses came down from the mountain and His face was radiant because he had just been with God. And Psalm 34:5 "those who look to Him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame." :)
