Saturday, June 29, 2013

His love never runs out..

My little Delight,

It has been a long time since I have written here - much has happened!  We are so close to the end of our paper chase and actually coming to get you!  All of our paper work is now in China and we are waiting for the last piece of approval to be dropped off and picked back up at the US consulate before we receive our travel approval.  I can hardly believe it!  These last few weeks have been a whirlwind! 

I have to admit, Little Sister, that while you are always in the back of my mind, you have not been heavy on my heart.  I have allowed the paperwork to consume and numb my heart.  I have turned my focus to the daily tasks of summertime.  I have not been consistently talking to the Lord, seeking His favor for you.  You haven't seemed real to me - more of a pipe dream, a some day.

However, lately, He has been bringing other things related to you to my attention, preparing me for when you really are here.  He has been giving me a compassion for you and how difficult your transition may be.  I know your little world is going to change drastically.  I pray that I am prepared to love you through it, regardless of how you feel towards me.  I pray that I will choose to love you, even when I don't feel it.  I pray for strength and perseverance to hold and rock you when you cry and push me away.  I pray that you will love the love, the touches and the interaction!  I pray that you crave it!

Today, while your Baba was getting ready for work, he turned on Pandora to one of our favorite stations so we could sing to Jesus together.  My sweet Jesus knows how to squeeze my heart and turn my focus onto Him.  He brought you to mind and reminded me of my hope, of my desire to sing to you, to share these songs of love with  you!  I cannot wait to sing to Jesus over you and with you.  I know that you wont know the words and will not actually sing along, but I pray that these songs will bring you peace and joy.  I pray that they comfort you in your distress.

My Heavenly Father is your Heavenly Father too and I cannot wait for you to learn about Him!  I think that you already know who He is - I believe He visits the orphans in their distress.  Soon, my sweet daughter, you will have the chance to hear about Him and learn to know Him.  I pray that He does a mighty work in your life and through your life.  I pray that He uses you to turn hearts back to Him.

I love you, Naomi Xin Yu!  Soon you will know what it feels like to be held and rocked by a mama and baba that love you and desire the best for your life!  Soon, my sweet delight, soon!