Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Operation Christmas Child

Tonight my boys and I went out to collect items to fill our Christmas boxes.  This has been a tradition for the past six years - I packed my first box the year John was one.  This is one of my most favorite Christmas traditions, even though it happens well before Christmas time.  I think it is especially sweet to me this year, because of my heart being broken for the orphan.  These boxes are sent all over the world to kids that dont have anything.  These kids are allowed to receive a box just one time.  They are sent out to remote village churches and handed out by local pastors and church leaders as well Samaritans Purse people.  Each child is given a Bible along with the Gospel message.  They are invited to attend a Bible study.  The hope, of course, is that these children will receive the Truth of our Lord, Jesus and will then, share it with their parents and family.  This is the true gift of Christmas.

Each of the boys picked out toys, socks, books, crayons, etc to put into their boxes.  They also got to help pack a box in honor of Naomi.  I figure we might as well start her on the tradition too.  Next year, she will officially be able to participate.  (I cant wait!)  Jacob kept getting mixed up thinking that we were choosing gifts to GIVE Naomi rather than given BY Naomi.  It was really sweet to see him light up when he would see something that he just knew Naomi would like.  I am so thankful that a love is being fostered in his heart towards his baby sister.  Both of the boys are going to be amazing protectors and lovers of their sister. (Again, I cant wait!)

It was so sweet to see each of my boys choosing gifts for their boxes and for Naomi's box.  I really loved seeing them think about what they were doing, and choosing as well as they could.  Last year, they were both more focused on looking and lusting at the toys, dreaming of which ones they would like to have.  This year, they were distracted just a few times and only momentarily with just a quick reminder.  It is neat to see how their hearts are changing.  They are starting to realize that their is more going on then just what is right in front of their little noses.  They are allowing Jesus to cause their hearts to be tender towards these kids that have so much less than they do.

I am really praying that they will be able to come along when we go to China.  I would love for their eyes to be opened that much more; to see how different the world is outside of their little town.  I would love them to see just how blessed they are to just have been born into the USA.  I know it would be an amazing trip. 

Thank you, Jesus, for the opportunity to bless the lives of the boys and girl that will receive our boxes.  I pray that they accept You as the Saviour.  I pray that they are used in mighty ways in their villages.  I pray that they are an influence on their parents' lives and that their parents, too, receive Your truth in their hearts.  Thank you, Heavenly Father, for the work you are doing in my own boys' hearts.  I pray that they will continue to be broken for the poor, the orphans and widows.  I pray that they will be broken before You and excited to do Your will!

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