Sunday, January 6, 2013

Jesus is the sweetest name I know

My dad shared my grandma's last words during his eulogy.  At the last nurse visit, grandma was roused from sleep.  She turned to look at the nurse and in a very weak voice, she told the nurse, "Jesus is the sweetest name I know."  This is a perfect testimony of who Grandma was and what was most important to her.  I had several older women come up to me at the reception and tell me how much they loved my grandma, what a neat woman she was.  I know all of these things, but really wish that I had known her in this manner during this period of my life.  I wish I had been able to talk about Jesus with her - I know she had a wealth of experience and wisdom to share.  I wish that I had taken the opportunity to sit in her room and read scripture to her and with her.  Honestly, I never thought about it until I was on my way home from visiting in November.  It makes me sad that the idea never crossed my mind - that I have allowed myself to settle into a place of keeping my faith and relationship with Jesus to myself while I am at my mom and dad's house.  Please give me courage, Heavenly Father, to be purposeful in living my life for You in front of my parents and siblings.  Give me grace and mercy for them - let me be salt and light in their day.  Give me a sweet aroma to them, that my decisions and countenance would point to You.  Give me answers to their questions and opinions. 

I was nervous to head over there, to be surrounded by family that likes to ask questions, to know what is going on in all aspects of life.  I was nervous to talk about our choice to adopt, because that decision goes back to our desire to obey the Lord.  This lifestyle is not understood or agreed on by some of my family.  My visit was covered by prayer, though and these conversations went way better than I had expected.  I think that there are some things, ideas, assumptions that I need to get over too.  Lord, forgive me for putting my fears onto my ideas of my family..  There were lots of questions, but conversations were supportive and encouraging.  I suppose, for my immediate family, they just needed to get used to the idea, to talk things out with me in order to have a better understanding of what we are doing and why.  My sweet boys talked a lot about their little sister in China.  My boys are well loved by the family - I think their excitement and love for their Naomi softened a lot of hearts.  Thank you, Jesus, for my sweet boys.  Please continue to grow their love and excitement.  Please continue to soften my families' hearts toward little Naomi - grow a love in their hearts, too, for this little girl.

After the funeral, we gathered as an extended family to celebrate Grandma's life.  My mom and dad brought the remainder of Grandma's things.  One of these things was her Bible.  I got to look through it before the funeral while we finalizing details.  It was totally falling apart - again a testimony of what had the highest value in Grandma's life.  There were a bunch of verses underlined, notes in the margins, etc.  I had wanted to take it home, but another family member got it.  While I love the convenience of the Bible app on my phone, there is just something about thumbing through the Bible - allowing it to open to a certain passage, etc.  My book has been put away for a while as I have mainly been using the app - I need to pull it back out.  Seeing Grandma's was confirmation of what the Lord had been whispering to my heart for the past week or so previous to going over the mountains.  I love receiving those confirmations..

Grandma's last words are also the title to an old time hymn.  Here are the lyrics:

  1. There have been names that I have loved to hear,
    But never has there been a name so dear
    To this heart of mine, as the name divine,
    The precious, precious name of Jesus.
    • Refrain:
      Jesus is the sweetest name I know,
      And He’s just the same as His lovely name,
      And that’s the reason why I love Him so;
      Oh, Jesus is the sweetest name I know.
  2. There is no name in earth or Heav’n above,
    That we should give such honor and such love
    As the blessed name, let us all acclaim,
    That wondrous, glorious name of Jesus.
  3. And someday I shall see Him face to face
    To thank and praise Him for His wondrous grace,
    Which He gave to me, when He made me free,
    The blessed Son of God called Jesus.

1 comment:

  1. I need to listen to that hymn, I've never heard it. The lyrics are amazing! This is such an awesome post! Your transparency is awesome and I love the heart the Lord has given you! I woulda liked to meet your Grammy! <3
