Monday, July 16, 2012

What next, Lord?!

We received very hard information today from the UW doctor.  She believes that Jie has Sturges-Webber Syndrome.  This is a syndrome that effects the nerves, vessels in the face and brain that can potentially cause a person to be severely mentally impaired.  It is not 100% that the person will be this way, but there are some very serious symptoms that go along with this syndrome.  This, of course, was not what we expected to hear in connection with our Aiden.  We expected to hear that he would have mental and physical delays due to institutionalization and malnutrition, but we hoped that these would be repairable, over time with proper care.  The Dr told us that there is a 50-70% chance that Aiden will have an IQ lower than 70.

While we continue to pray about what His will is, we feel like right now, we need to say no to bringing Aiden home.   I pray that there is a family that will be able to provide lifetime care for him.  It breaks my heart to do this too.  He has a part of my heart and I am really sad not to call him my own.  I am going to try and get the orphanage to do a CT Scan for the Dr here to look at to give us a more whole image of what a family could expect. 

We will continue on the adoption process, but are not sure if we will adopt from China or somewhere else in the world - internationally or domestically. 

I feel like I have been sent through the washing machine on the spin cycle...

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