Saturday, October 27, 2012

quiet Saturday morn..

It is strangely quiet this morning..  John is my early riser and is usually up by 7am at the latest.  Today, it is almost 9am and both my boys are still asleep.  I am hoping it is just catch up, but am suspecting that they are both going to wake up not feeling well - it is that time of year, unfortunately.  The stillness and quiet gives me a moment to reflect, which is nice.  I read through my friend's blog after reading through my Bible time.  I love my friend and love what she does with her kids.  She has been blogging about each of her kids and I love that idea, too.  She is great inspiration to me..  :)

Today's entry in My Utmost is Matt 28:19 - Go and make disciples of all the nations... 
This verse is difficult for me - I am at home everyday and not around many, if any, nonbelievers.  But, as I have been sitting here, Jesus reminded me that my boys are who I am responisble for shaping right now.  (I know this, but needed the reminder ;))  This can seem like such a daunting task!  I am shaping two of the next generation - they could change the world!  What a load!  BUT!!! I only can do this with the Lord's help and guidance.  He carries this weight, not me.  Phew!

I am really excited to see my boys in 10 years to see who they are - where their hearts are.  I pray all the time that they have a heart like David - a heart seeking after the Lord.  I also pray that they have the courage of Paul to share the gospel all over, to everyone at all times.  I see glimpses of this in John, already.  He is a lot like his daddy.  Both of them say what they are thinking right then and there.  Eman has always been able to swallow his fear to tell people the truth, regardless of the consequences.  He says it is a both a blessing and a curse.  To me, it is admirable.  I am not confrontational at all - I will back down with just a glimmer of confrontation.  Basically, I am a chicken.  Jacob is more like me.  :) 

So cool to watch them grow and develop - love them so much!

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